Hello there !

We are half of the DragonFly team, and here is our submission for the GMTK 2020, with the theme "Out of Control" !

Your horse has spent his life, with you on its back, eating some grass. He's fed up of it, and now wants to taste a bite of your thighs. (Yes, he saw when you ate some of his peers with a *muchmuchgood* béchamel.)

Your mission, if you accept it, is to show him than vegetarism is the way, by feeding him the goodest "Carotte d'Or" (golden carrot). While escaping his jaws. But, hey, you didn't change yet. Your helmet might be in the way, but it's a legacy of your grandpapa, so deal with it !

Btw, your horse might not be much of a fan of carrots.

Controls :

Ctrl : Switch run mode (Left/right --- Jump/Crouch)
X : Go left / Jump
C : Go right / Crouch
Q : Throw carrot

Edit 1 : Clarification about controls and gameplay
We might, might, have not been able to convey the controls and natural flow of gameplay to everyone, so here is a little clarification. The character is moving on its own, but you can give him orders. When his helmet is on his head, you can tell him to switch direction (left or right, by clicking). When it is under his feet, you can make him jump (click) or crouch (hold). If you find a carrot in a level, you can slow down the horse. If it reaches you, it's restart time !

We hope you'll enjoy our submission !

Edit 2 : There might be a game-breaking bug...
But we want those who want to play the last levels to be able to play it. We removed a little dev obstacle that made its way into the submission, just before the third level goal, making it unreachable. After voting is done, we'll update this game, but meanwhile we put it up here : https://dragon-fly.itch.io/get-brouted-unbreaked-version

Made withUnity

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